Why I Write

Return of the Incredibly Inconsistent Blog

It has been, by my best count, about two and a half years since my last public blog post.  I say public because in the meantime I have written exhaustively long Facebook posts to my agents in our private group.  Some of these might make an appearance here over time.  I have, as of late, been called back to writing for several reasons which, whether you care or not, I will share starting right now.

I Really Love to Write

I have missed taking an evening and just writing.  Writing a blog post is more than just sitting down at a keyboard and pecking away.  Anytime an agent asks me about blogging (usually because they donโ€™t want to do the hard stuff in their business) I do my very best to talk them out of it.  Itโ€™s not an easy thing to do.  More importantly, it takes a lot of time.  Itโ€™s not like you just sit down and start typing.  You type and then you read.  As you read you start to think that youโ€™re a real dumbass.  So, you go back and type more.  Then more dumbassery, and so on.

Still, I love to sit down after the family has gone to bed and write.  I donโ€™t want you to be jealous of my Friday night, but it is currently 11:09 pm on a Friday and I am writing and on hold with GoDaddy to get WordPress added to this domain.  What can I say, in addition to writing, I also clearly like to party.

Writing Allows Me to Clear My Head

You really donโ€™t want to know what it is like inside my head.  Itโ€™s like Grand Central Station on a really busy day, all day, every day.  It is impossible for me to slow my brain down.  I have tried.  Writing gives me the ability, while I am still thinking about the pancakes my wife promised to make me Sunday morning, to focus as much as I am able to on the topic I am making myself look like a dummbass writing about. 

It’s therapeutic for me.  I feel better after I write, even dumb stuff.  In a world where people are after my attention all day, this gives me the ability to really just solve my own problems.  Itโ€™s weird.  Iโ€™m weird.  Whatever.

Writing Allows Me to Be a Fake Creative

Iโ€™ve always thought of myself as relatively creative but without an outlet to express it.  I canโ€™t draw or paint.  I canโ€™t sing very well despite my best efforts.  I canโ€™t play a musical instrument.  I am an amazing dancer after a liberal amount of alcohol though.  What is frustrating is that I come from a long line of very talented artists, singers, and musicians.  They got that.  I got a receding hairline and gout.  Thanks, genes.

When I write, though, I get to create in a way that is mine.  I donโ€™t know if that even makes sense, but you probably havenโ€™t read this far anyway.  So, I get to fake creativity by writing.  I also like to cook, so that helps with creativity too.

Writing Helps Me Learnโ€ฆAnd Teach

When I write, my ideas become more concrete.  Itโ€™s almost like I am taking an abstract idea from out of my head and putting a tangible, living, breathing version of it on the page.  I should have led with that shit.  Thatโ€™s the best line of the whole post.  Anyway, I can take the thought, put it on paper, shape it, reshape it, and get a better grip on what I, ultimately, will likely use to teach. 

On that note, I also like to teach and have the good fortune of doing it fairly regularly.  I am a very visual person, so writing also helps me visualize how I will teach something.  Like it or not, when I write, I write conversationally, in a tone like I would actually say it in real life.  Itโ€™s probably wrong, but I donโ€™t particularly care.  I am more talking to me when I write than anyone else.

So, I guess if you want to come back here from time to time and read me talking to myself, letโ€™s do this.

(For the record, I will be moving some of the old blog content over here, but it will happen slowly because I want to review and probably revise it.  You know, because of all the dumbass things I probably said.)

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